Parents receive their child, nourish that child, and give him or her back to God. The light of faith has to be carried, nourished, and protected so that it can grow brighter and carry us to heaven. All of us must burn with the love of Jesus.
A Jubilee was a time of rest, freedom, and a fresh start. The Catholic Church grants a jubilee plenary indulgence every 25 years. When we draw near to Jesus, we experience the freedom, peace, hope and a fresh start. Jesus himself is the jubilee.
The Spirit gave Donal Walsh a deep sense of faith. When we try to build our own little kingdom, we will always run out of happiness. When we aren't afraid to faithfully serve each day, we find the Lord is turning our water into wine.
The Feast of Epiphany is older than Christmas. The frankincense and myrrh are the fruit of where the plants have been wounded. They symbolize giving Jesus our wounds, our very worst. Allow him to transform you from the inside.
Jesus comes not only to restore us as as individuals, but also to heal our family. He does this by revealing that our four fundamental identities are rooted in the True Love of God the Father and Mary our Mother. Let’s turn to Mary our Mother.
No matter how far we wandered, we have never gotten out of our Father's back yard! When the time had come, God sent his Son Jesus into this cold, cruel world. He came to tell us that we have a Father who loves us and who wants us to come home.
Each of us is trying to be a star in our own show that is written, produced, and directed by ourselves. The Bible tells a different story. We each have a special part in the great "Theo-drama." Let Baby Jesus teach you how to play your part.
The ancient and medieval world was familiar with the example of the wheel of fortune: One minute you're on top of the world, the next minute you are on the bottom. We need to move from the chaos of the outside to the peace at the center.
We were made for communion with God, with one another, with ourselves and even with Creation. Communion means we want to dwell in God and have God dwell in us. Mary started from within God and then received God inside of her. We are the opposite.
A felt sense of safety and security is necessary for us to find peace. When peace is missing, there are many ways we might try to manufacture it, but God desires to make his people safe and secure. I share some ways to find peace and remain in peace.