Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Jesus reveals that we are all the children of God. God works through human parents to create each human life. He is the giver of all life and the Lord of all life. We have to accept each human life as a gift, including our own.

But God has even more to give us -- He wants to share His Divine Life with us. It happens every time we make a sacrifice of love. God's life flows through self-giving love. We see God's love transform the life of Chiara "Luce" Badano. She shows us what is possible when we accept the love of God.

We are told over and over enough that we are not enough: not good enough, not beautiful enough, not successful enough, not happy enough. But these are the voices of the world. Listen to the voice of God -- Pray daily, read Scripture, come to Mass, and this is what you will hear: "I love you... isn't that enough?"

(12 Jan 2013)

Chiara "Luce" Badano sharing the love of Jesus

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