Ordinary Time, 29th Sunday (B) Our recent clergy congress was about promoting vocations. The priesthood today is a more challenging profession than ever. People who feel called to priesthood often wonder if they will be strong enough to fulfill all the demands. But the real question is, are you weak enough to be a priest?
You see, our weakness is not an obstacle to God's love. In fact, trying not to be weak is one of our biggest problems. How many marriages would have been saved if the partners had been willing to admit, "I need help with my anger, gambling, alcohol, pornography, suicidal thoughts..."?
Though Jesus was strong, he chose to become weak. Jesus was successful, not because he was strong enough, but because he accepted his weakness and relied on the strength of God. God wants to give you the same help. If you are trying to be 'strong enough,' you are only setting yourself up for a fall. Are you weak enough to be a Christian?
(17 Oct 2021)
Going Deeper: What part of my weakness and struggles do I have a hard time accepting? What keeps me from relying on God's power?
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