Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ • Jesus continues to be present here on earth not only in His Providence, through His Spirit, and in His people. He is also present under the appearance of Bread and Wine in the Eucharist. This humble presence is made possible by His sacrifice. However, it also requires that we sacrifice our sons to the priesthood, and our gifts to provide bread and wine.

Two men just laid down their lives on the Cathedral floor to become priests. They sacrificed their own plans and freedom to serve God's people. There was a man once who became a priest and later a Bishop even though he grew up in a family where his father was a Mason and his mother went to church once a year. His father got angry at him and said, "You are always talking about being a priest. Don't you realize that as a priest, you don't belong to yourself any more, you belong to God and his people." "I know," said the young man, "That's why I want to be a priest."

Why did Jesus make this sacrifice to give us Himself? Because he is alive -- fully alive -- and He wants us to truly be alive too. The only way to make us alive is to give us His life. Every sacrifice bears great fruit. These men who sacrificed themselves became priests, able to bring Christ's presence to the world. The small gifts of bread and wine, sacrificed to God, become His own presence. When we sacrifice to God, our gifts become so much more. In the Eucharist, Jesus puts His life in our hands. Do you want to be fully alive? Then put your life into His hands. (26 Jun 2011)