Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) · We just finished the walking pilgrimage. People were very generous in hosting us, feeding us, and caring for us along the way. I even had my feet "anointed" with Gold Bond.

In today's reading King David has forgotten how much God has given him. Instead of receiving, he starts taking things that don't belong to him. Taking and keeping leads to using and being used.

The sinful woman has received mercy. She gives generously because she realizes that Jesus loves her generously. The Pharisee doesn't give much because he is blind to God's generosity. The Year of Mercy is a time to stop taking and keeping, and to start receiving and giving.

(12 June 2016)

Point to Ponder: Think of someone who has been generous to you and take a few minutes to write them a thank-you note.

Point to Discuss: Jesus seems to be saying you have to be a great sinner in order to be grateful. Talk to a friend about Jesus' words in this Gospel and how you understand them. Post your thoughts as a blog comment.