Ordinary Time, 20th Sunday (B) Bishop Ricken has us read a letter responding to recent scandals in the American Catholic Church. Then I share my own thoughts: This is our problem, and it happens here. Our job is to listen so victims feel loved and cared for. Abusers in many cases had once been victims of abuse. They need to be held accountable for their choices, as do all priests and Bishops. We all need to come to Jesus for love and mercy. We must feed on Him so we can journey through evil days.
(19 Aug 2018)
Going Deeper: The Catholic Church teaches that the effectiveness of the Sacraments does not depend on the holiness of the minister. You don't get better Eucharist from a holy priest than from a sinful one. What does this say about Jesus' love for us? (see CCC Paragraph 1127-1128).