Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year C) · Jesus sends out 72 disciples on the King's business. St. Paul wants nothing more than to accomplish God's will. And this will of God leads his people to abundant blessings. Are we really doing the will of God? Or does God need to tell us, "Get out of my way."

Holy Trinity Parish just celebrated 20 years. Our congregation has shrunk and our church building no longer serves our needs. Where is God leading our community? We know God has a beautiful future prepared for us. Doing the will of God is how we get there.

(3 Jul 2016)

Point to Ponder:

I only want to do God's holy will. Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

Point to Discuss: Talk to a friend about how a church building can help -- or hinder -- the mission of God.

Image created by Steve Vogel