Advent, 3rd Sunday. America has lost hope. The Catholic Church has lost hope. Advent is a season full of hope. What do are readings have to offer about hope? "The one who calls you is faithful; he also will accomplish it."

Our hope does not rest in ourselves, but in God. When we look back we see that God has already been working on our past, turning tragedies to blessings and dead-ends to new beginnings. This gives us the confidence to look forward knowing that God will take care of our future.

Spend time this advent season reflecting back on where you and God have been together. Pause and begin to see the pattern of God's work in your lives. If you haven't started already, begin praying grace before and after meals. There is one among you whom you do not recognize.

A pregnant woman is a sign of hope. She reminds us that our struggles won't last forever and they are worth it. When I can't, God can, and He will, and He is. God's already got this, just like the last time.

(14 Dec 2014)

Point to Ponder: Where has God been working in my life this Advent season?

Point to Discuss: Share with someone else a time that you felt all hope was lost, but then found what you needed to keep going.

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