Fifth Sunday of Easter (Year C) • Even ticks and mosquitos were created with a purpose. Of course you have a purpose: to radiate the love of God. Priests, deacons, all Christians are living stones. You are chosen and precious and have a special purpose to reflect the love of God. Feeling the love is something that should happen whenever and wherever we are.

(14 May 2017)

Point to Ponder: What is the special role God has for you in his Church?

Point to Discuss: A fellow told me that when they moved to the country they had so many ticks in the yard that, if you set a jacket down for a few minutes, it would be absolutely crawling with ticks. Now they have free range chickens in the yard and you never find a tick even if you look. Talk to a friend about more natural ways of addressing the annoying insects of summer.

Printed in the Bulletin This Weekend

Dear Parish Family,

When I said yes to a parish celebration of my 10th Anni- versary, I was not expecting such an amazing day. Mass was truly beautiful. A big thank you to the servers, lectors, and choir from all three parishes. The choir even wrote a few verses just for me. Thank you to the St. Anthony School 3rd Graders for the O Sanctissima meditation. Thank you to the Knights of Columbus honor guard.

Thank you to all those who decorated the hall. Thank you to Mike, Ken, Cindy, and JR for your kind words, and Fr. Bob and Fr. Patrick for your prayers. Thank you for the wonderful slide show, the dinner music, and the delicious food. Thank you to those who worked in the background to setup, serve, cleanup, and make guests feel welcome. A big thank you especially to Chef JR for being the visionary and catalyst to pull such an amazing celebration together. Of course, he couldn’t have done it without all your help. I know that not all could attend the Mass and the meal but every parish was well represented. Thank you especially to all of you who contributed towards the $2000 gift that was given to me, and to those who contributed $1515 to the Holy Trinity building fund in my honor. I felt very hon- ored. And humbled. And incredibly proud of what our three parishes can do when we work together.

My guests had nothing but good things to say about all of you. One guest summed it up with, “We could feel the love.” That is my dream. I hope and pray that anyone who walks through the doors of our church, school, office, or hall can feel the love of Jesus. I certainly did.

Gratefully yours, Fr. Joel Sember