Total Gift

Ordinary Time, 4th Sunday. There are many unclean spirits that we need Jesus to cast out of us. We need help! Jesus knew this, so He shared with us His Mother Mary. My twin started to discover the power of Mary's intercession and encouraged me to do St. Louis de Montfort's "Total Consecration to Mary." I used to wonder why Mary seemed to take care of me. I reflected back and realized that Mary had helped me because I had done the Total Consecration years ago.

The Total Consecration consists of 33 days of preparation beginning on February 20th and ending on March 25th, the Solemnity of the Annunciation. I want to invite you to join me.

One of the most famous devotees of this Total Consecration was Pope John Paul II. He discovered devotion to Mary and it changed his life. It also saved his life. He survived an assassination attempt on 13 May 1981. John Paul II commented, "One hand fired the shot and another hand guided the bullet." May 13th is the anniversary of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima.

I won't promise that if you do the Total Consecration you'll become bulletproof. But I will promise miracles. Mary wants us to be happy and holy. She wants us to know her Son. But she isn't one of these women who will barge into your business; she waits to be asked. If you haven't felt the power of Mary's intercession, perhaps it's because you haven't asked.

(29 Jan 2012)

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