The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Year A) • God made you. Why did God make you? To know Him, love Him, and serve Him in this life so as to be happy with Him in the next. Follow Jesus and He will lead you down the path of obedience, service, and generosity. Don't wait until the last onion to let Him be the King of your heart.

(26 Nov 2017)

Point to Ponder: Read the little fairytale for yourself.

Point to Discuss: What does it mean to see our gifts (money, time, talents, onions) as given from God so we can give them away? What does it mean to see the hungry, thirsty, poor, naked, homeless, needy, sick and imprisoned as opportunities rather than burdens? Talk to a friend about this new way of seeing.

Point for Action: Pick one of the corporal works of mercy and do it this week.