Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) • Jesus makes Peter the first Pope, with three parts to his job: he is a father, he holds the keys of authority, and he provides dependability. This is the role of Peter. What role does Jesus have for you?

No one will deny that America has a lot of struggles right now. Our biggest problem is we've all gotten good at pointing fingers. We all question each other and God. But God asks us, "And you, what are you doing?"

(29 Aug 2017)

Point to Ponder: At whom are you busy pointing fingers? Do you put more time and effort into solving problems or into passing blame?

Point to Discuss: The great thing about knowing your proper role is realizing the hundreds of things you don't have to be busy about. Talk to a friend about what you are called to do, and what you are called to not worry about.

Point for Action: Check out Worldwide Marriage Encounter or the local Green Bay Marriage Encounter

Photo: Albin Lohr-Jones/Sipa via AP