Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) • Forgiveness is not a something we give on command, an erasing of the past, forgetting, or 'leaving it to God.' Forgiveness is the creative and transformative process of letting God's love fill our wounds. Forgiveness allows us to recover our own dignity and the dignity of the offender. It heals us, opens us to new possibilities, and makes ugly things beautiful.

How many times do you want God to forgive you: as many as seven times? That's how many times you should forgive your brother.

(17 Sep 2017)

Point to Ponder: The steps on the process of forgiveness from How to Forgive: A Step-by-Step Guide by John Monbourquette

  1. Do not seek revenge; Put an end to the offending actions.
  2. Recognize your pain and poverty.
  3. Share your pain with someone.
  4. Identify your loss properly so you can grieve it.
  5. Accept anger and the desire for revenge.
  6. Forgive yourself.
  7. Understand your offender.
  8. Make sense of the offense in your life.
  9. Recognize that You're Worthy of Forgiveness -- and Already Forgiven.
  10. Stop Trying So Hard to Forgive.
  11. Open up to the Grace of Forgiving.
  12. Decide Whether to End or Renew the Relationship
Point to Discuss: When do you find forgiveness easy, and when do you find it hard? Talk to a friend about your experiences of forgiving and being forgiven.

Point for Action: The next time someone says, "I'm sorry," from your heart tell them, "I forgive you." Even if they're just sorry they are late. We all need forgiveness.