Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) • A little tropical depression feeds off the warm, moist ocean air and turns into a destructive hurricane. This same deadly spiral happens when we get hurt, and start hurting others. We are all responsible for a healthy community. We have to step out of the storm of hurt and violence. Jesus is the eye of the storm.

(10 Sep 2017)

Point to Ponder: Listen to Eye of the Storm by Ryan Stevenson

Point to Discuss: Where have you watched the spiral of hurt people hurting people? Talk with a friend about how current events look different when seen in the light of hurt and counter-hurt.

Point for Action: Is there someone in your family, friend group, or workplace that has hurt you? Sit down with them one-on-one and share with them your feelings. Offer to forgive them.

Photo Credit NOAA