Ash Wednesday • Valentine's Day is about all kinds of love: be my friend, give me candy, and I LUV U. Lent is about one kind of love: God's love. God's love makes a covenant with us: "I will be your God, and you will be my people. Forever."

The Israelite people slowly learned that God was worth more. Do we realize that God's love for us is worth more than being rich, powerful, popular, or successful? Lent is about trading a few nice things for something so much better: a deeper relationship with God. This Lent put God first and learn for yourself that God is worth more.

(14 Feb 2018)

90 Day Challenge: Several years ago I addressed a large Confirmation class where I was told that many of the kids weren't sure they wanted to be Confirmed. I told them they didn't have to be Confirmed, or be Catholic, but they should try actually living the Faith first before they decided it didn't work. I would challenge anyone to really live their Catholic faith for 3 months. Pray daily, come to Mass every Sunday, come to Confession, and grow in some significant way whether it's learning more or changing sinful habits. And after the 90 days honestly ask yourself: "Is my life better now that I've put God first?" If it is, then keeping doing it. If not, then walk away.