Ordinary Time, 6th Sunday (C) Today we hear an excerpt from the Sermon on the Plain (Luke 6:17-49). Jesus admonishes us to "love your enemies" and "do good to those who hate you." At first glance, these words look like admonishments that any teacher or guru might give to his disciples. He wants us to be kind to others, right? Look again... these words seem like a terrible idea. Why would I turn my other cheek and give expecting nothing back? Why is Jesus expecting us to respond to evil in a way that is so impractical and unwise?
We can expect three key things from a good father: protection, providence, and presence. When Adam and Eve first lived in the garden, they trusted God to protect them, provide for them, and be present to them. Then they sin and fall into isolation, self-reliance, and self-protection.
David is on the run from King Saul. Saul is an especially tall, handsome, and good-looking guy. But he relies on himself and is not obedient to God. Unlike Saul, David trusts God to protect him and provide for him. He resists the urge to take matters into his own hands.
Every time the parishes have needed to hire a staff person, God has provided. One of our parishioners experienced God's providence and protection through an abusive marriage and a difficult divorce.
Jesus is inviting us to realize that God is a good father and we can depend on him to protect us, to provide for us, and to be present to us.
(23 Feb 2025)
Going Deeper: This week, try to notice the times that you choose self-protection and self-reliance, and the times that you choose to trust in God's providence, his protection, and his presence.
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