The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) There's been a lot of darkness this year: Terrorist attacks, people getting shot by police, airplanes crashing, floods, climate change...

This may seem like a bad place to start a Christmas homily, but there is plenty of darkness in the Christmas story too: an unplanned pregnancy, homelessness, refugees from political turmoil. But we don't notice the darkness in the manger scene because we are looking at the Light of Christ.

Jesus is not afraid of the darkness. He is not afraid of the darkness in our world; he is not afraid of the darkness in your family; he is not afraid of the darkness in your life. In spite of the darkness, God still wants a relationship with you. God has bent down to meet us.

Think of all the love God pours out for each of us every day, and he gets so little back. All Jesus is asking for is our love in return. Just like we need to say Thank You for the gifts we have received, so we need to share love back to God for what we receive. Receive the love of God and share it.

When you look at the light, you no longer notice the darkness. God does not promise to take away our struggles but to be there with us: Emmanuel. God is with us always; every day is Christmas. Train your eyes to see God's love in the humble forms all around us. A relationship with God begins now and ends in eternal life. Christmas is not only Jesus' birthday, but ours as well: Happy Birthday, dear Jesus!

(25 Dec 2015)

Point to Ponder: How much do I really want God to be part of my everyday life?

Point to Discuss: Where have you seen light in the midst of darkness? Talk to someone about a positive story you read or experienced this past year.