Ordinary Time, 27th Sunday. The Chief Priests of the Chosen People had gotten comfortable with God at a distance. They didn't like what He had to say face-to-face. Too often we get comfortable with God at a distance and forget He wants to speak to us every day. We need to let God's truth penetrate our hearts.

St. Ignatius of Loyola discovered that God had better plans for His life. He followed God's plans and found true happiness. He would always start his prayer with two important steps:

  1. Consider how God our Lord looks upon him.
  2. Name his own desire for the prayer time.
Chances are, you're "too busy to pray." But that's because you've filled your life with activity. Most of us don't know who you want to be, or how to get there. Let God tell you. If you don't pray yet, I challenge you to give God 5 minutes at the beginning and the end of each day. Because God wants to bless us with the Truth, but we have to give Him the chance.

(5 Oct 2014)

Points to Ponder

  1. Do I think of God as a "person"? Describe God's personality.
  2. When have you really felt the presence of God? Name a time and relive the experience. Thank God for it.
  3. Spend 5 minutes right now talking to God about what you just read or listened to.