Ordinary Time, 16th Sunday (B) Often on vacation we find that the restlessness has traveled with us. Where can we go to find true peace? Jesus is with us always and He wants to give us peace. You can always take a moment to be present to the God who is present to you. Don't wait until you go on vacation to look for peace. Move towards the middle of the wheel. Let's start right now. (22 Jul 2018)

Going Deeper: For the first 60 seconds of your morning just be still... Breathe deeply, intentionally. Pay attention to what’s around you, consider the ordinary things in the space around you that are in fact extraordinary; sunlight, the smell of coffee, sounds of birds, morning traffic outside the window, the fabric of the armchair you’re sitting in. You get to experience it all. You exist because of the Father’s love. Rest in that free, unearned gift of being and being loved for just a minute. ~from MenRiseUP.org