Ordinary Time, 15th Sunday (B) Can you really "be anything you want to be?" If we take this too far, we find our puny will opposed by every other person, and the whole universe. Our human nature places limits upon us. You can be a janitor, but you can't be a lightbulb. Trying to be what you weren't made for leads to anxiety, anger, resentment, depression, even suicide.

There is another answer. You have a creator who has created, blessed, destined, and chosen you. God has made space in the universe for your tiny will. You have a reserved seat at the symphony; you have a roll just for you. Learn to listen to the Conductor and to play your roll well. Instead of screaming at others, "I'm significant", start telling them, "You are a gift."

(15 Jul 2018)

Going Deeper: Tomorrow, set out to treat every person you meet as, "Called, blessed, destined, and chosen." How can your words and actions tell the people around you: "You are significant, You are a gift"?

Thanks to Bishop Barron and Bill Watterson