- Calling and preparing the way. We had no idea how many people would be on the pilgrimage, but the Spirit knew, and prepared for each of us.
- Brings Unity. We had a great variety of pilgrims, but the Spirit who called each made us all into one community.
- Calls forth Gifts. Each pilgrim had different gifts -- praying, encouraging, singing, organizing, bandaging feet. Each gift was given for the whole community.
- Refreshes us along the way. The Spirit provides the air, food, and popsicles you need to keep going.
- Peace. Knowing that the Lord will take care of us.
- Healing. At the end our the journey, we realize that the Spirit has healed our wounds -- "My feet don't hurt any more."
- Joy. Knowing that we are God's beloved children, we get to the end of the journey and our hearts are filled with Joy. Of all the feelings, the one that could sum up my thoughts best at the end of the pilgrimage: Thanksgiving.
Pentecost - The Spirit Moving on Pilgrimage | #129
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DOWNLOAD (12Mb)Pentecost Sunday • Just like the wind, you cannot see the Spirit, but you can see the effects of the Spirit's presence. We just returned from a 50-mile walking pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. Here are some of the ways we saw the Spirit moving:
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