Easter, 2nd Sunday (Divine Mercy) • On Easter we celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death in the world. On Divine Mercy Sunday we celebrate Christ's victory over sin and death in your life. Jesus is like us in all the things that we dislike: hungry, tired, lonely, poor, weak, unpopular. It is precisely in our misery that God comes to meet us and offer mercy. Even if the doors are locked, when we celebrate Mass Jesus stands on the altar and says, "Peace be with you." Jesus comes to forgive our sins and feed us with True Love. Pray to experience once again for the first time the Miracle of the Eucharist.

8 Apr 2018

Going Deeper: O people of God, celebrate this Mass, receive this Communion, as if it were your first Mass, as if it were your last Mass, as if it were your only Mass.

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