Easter, 6th Sunday. We all want to be friends with Jesus, until we discover what he asks of his friends: Daily prayer, Sunday Mass together, give him whatever he asks for, try and do what makes God happy. It sounds like a chore because we love God, but we haven't yet fallen in love with God. How do you fall in love with God?

Wives often miss ways their husbands say "I love you" because it doesn't come at the right time or in the right way for her. In a similar way, we are afraid that God doesn't love us. Because of our fear we miss the signs of His love: parents and grandparents, sunrises, daily bread. Give God permission to love you in His way and His time.

God wants to include us in His mission of love. He wants his love to flow through us and out to all his children, our brothers and sisters. Too bad it doesn't always match our schedule. Give God permission to love others through you. Now we know what it means to be God's friends: to love one another as He loves us.

(10 May 2015)

Point to Ponder:

When we pray we can be confident that God will give us one of three answers:

  1. Yes
  2. Not Yet
  3. I Love You Too Much
Point to Discuss: Do you know someone who has really fallen in love with God? Ask them how it happened. How do they stay in love with God?