Ordinary Time, 33rd Sunday (B) Ancient people couldn't depend on much. Plagues, wars, earthquakes, death, and decay all dogged their lives. The heavens above appeared incredibly stable and predictable.
When Jesus says, "The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken," what he means is that the dependable things are failing us. When everything else fails, we can still count on Jesus. His words are more dependable than heaven and earth.
A constant reminder of Jesus' dependable love for us is the gift of our guardian angel. St. Gemma Galgani could see her guardian angel. St. John Bosco was protected miraculously by a big black dog. Last month, inspired by the feast of the Guardian Angels, I wrote a song to my guardian angel. Let me sing it to you.
(17 Nov 2024)
Going Deeper: Try singing the song for yourself. It's set to the tune Old 100th (like All People That on Earth do Dwell).

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