A Community of Life and Love (11:45)

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. Jesus Christ has opened for us the mystery of God himself. God is all-powerful, eternal, all-knowing, and all-good. But God is not the "one" of loneliness: God is a community of life and love. The Father pours out Himself in such a perfect way that this gift is the Son. The Son returns the gift back in such a way that this love becomes the Holy Spirit.

We are made in the image and likeness of God. This means that we are made to be a community of life and love. These are the greatest gifts God has given us:

  • Our life
  • The ability to love
When our Scriptures remind us to keep God's commandments, God is not trying to keep us down. God wants us to be fully alive. As the author of life and love, God is telling us how to use the gifts He has given us to get the most out of them. The commandments are a user's guide.

Today many think they can create new forms of "gay marriage" that are "just as good" as the plan God has given us. Some think that contracepted love is "just as good". But they are wrong. We didn't invent a community of life and love. God did, and only the plan of the Maker will lead to true fulfillment.

Here's the secret: True fulfillment is not found in our human community. Through Jesus, God opens up the Holy Spirit to make room for us in the Trinity. God allows us to enter into community with Him. God's commandments create a path that leads beyond human fulfillment to communion with God Himself. We worship, but we doubt... does God's plan really work? We have to walk it to see that He is right.

Do not be afraid -- He is with us always!

(4 Jun 2012)