Easter, 4th Sunday (C) Imagine attending a sporting event in the 1st century. How would people hear the good news of victory? It would spread first by word of mouth and then by messengers. Eventually someone would sit and write it down. This is exactly what we see happening in the Acts of the Apostles. The eyewitnesses spread the Good News of Jesus' victory over sin and death first by word of mouth and then by messengers.

What a wonderful God we serve! He is a good shepherd who protects his sheep, leads us to life-giving waters, protects us, wipes our tears and gives us eternal life. Why are we such half-hearted servants? I first started thinking about priesthood when I was in middle school. I used to wonder, "Would I be happy as a priest?" I have had many challenging days as a priest but I have never once regretted being ordained a priest. I'm in the right place for me. Where else could you ride your motorcycle in a funeral procession and be rewarded with a quart of maple syrup?

I want to talk about another vocation, arguably the most important vocation in the world: motherhood. Without motherhood we would have no priests. Without motherhood we would have no savior. Unfortunately, motherhood is often not lived as a vocation. I was struck this week by the incongruity of protesting the possible end of Roe V. Wade and then turning around and celebrating Mothers Day. Too many become mothers not through prayerful discernment but rather because their contraceptive of choice failed them. They have their two children because that's what society expects, or turn to immoral means when they don't get pregnant on schedule.

Many moms feel like a failure as a mom because they aren't living up to their own expectations of what motherhood "should be." Are we actively listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit? The Good Shepherd wants to lead you to a vocation that is "full of joy" and "filled with the Holy Spirit."

(8 May 2022)

Going Deeper: Ask God to fill you with joy and the Holy Spirit. Pray for all mothers to recognize the value of their vocation, and to live motherhood as a vocation.

Thank you to Julianne and the awesome Entrust retreat team and participants.