Ordinary Time, 27th Sunday (A) All parishioners are asked to turn in a stewardship pledge card on October 22nd. Our annual commitment to Stewardship is not about giving more, but being more intentional about what we give. Am I truly grateful for the gifts God has given me? Am I using those gifts in a way that glorifies God and blesses others? This is a question we don't just answer one time.

Today's Gospel shows us tenants who have started to think they own the vineyard. All the produce belongs to the Master, but the tenants can keep some of it. They want to keep it all. They go so far as to kill the Master's son.

I recently had a run-in with turkeys who thought they were the boss of the place. Be a good steward, not a turkey.

(8 Oct 2023)

Going Deeper: Have you been getting pushy or anxious? Review your use of Time, Talent, and Treasure.

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