Corpus Christi (A) For the last twelve weeks we have been in this together, even though we haven't been able to physically be together. Finally we can be together as a parish community. Digital communication helps us stay connected but it's not the same as actually being together in flesh and blood.

God is always with us. But he wanted to be together, "in the flesh." So the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, as a man and in the gift of the Eucharist. Love isn't content to be at a distance; love wants to be with the beloved. And Jesus is willing to be with you no matter what. Jesus is not afraid of our racism and violence, viruses and death. Come forward and receive Jesus as if this were your first Communion, your last Communion, your only Communion.

(14 Jun 2020)

Going Deeper: Do I long for Jesus like he longs for me? To what lengths am I willing to go to be together with Jesus?