Pentecost Sunday (A) The Catholic Church year begins with Advent. We need a savior but we cannot save ourselves, so we watch and wait for His coming. Hopefully at some point you experience Emmanuel, God-with-you, during this season. We respond to his love by purifying our hearts an Lent, and dying and rising with Christ in Holy Week. After 50 days of Easter feasting, God sends the Holy Spirit. Pentecost is meant to be a renewal of the gift of the Holy Spirit. Why do we not experience the outpouring of the Spirit? Perhaps we are not open to receiving a gift from God. Say with me, "Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful, and enkindle in me the fire of your Love."

The Holy Spirit is life. Our life breath is a gift from God. As members of the Body of Christ, we must have the life of Christ flowing in us. When we pray, "Come, Holy Spirit," the sense is that I already have the life of God flowing within me. I want more of his life in me.

The Holy Spirit is love. He is the love between the Father and the Son. God loves us through the Holy Spirit, and then loves others through us. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives me the power to love others as Christ has loved me.

God's Holy Spirit is True Life. God's Holy Spirit is True Love. Perhaps today you will have powerful experience of God's love. Or perhaps you will simply experience a deepening of the life and love already given to you. Veni, Sancte Spiritus!

(28 May 2023)

Going Deeper: Where do I most need God's life in me? Where am I most in need of God's love? Invite the Holy Spirit to come into these places.

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