Ordinary Time, 13th Sunday, Recorded live outdoors at the parish picnic Mass. It can be hard to trust that God really knows what He is doing. We have to learn to listen and cooperate with God's ways. Today's Gospel is a perfect example. A woman has been afflicted with hemorrhages for 12 years; a twelve-year-old girl gets sick and dies. Does God really know what He is doing? Yes. Twelve years ago he had plans to answer both these prayers. God knows what is best for us.

Last Friday our Supreme Court discovered in the Bill of Rights a law that two brides or two grooms is the same thing as a bride and groom. How does Christ teach us to respond to this answer? First, with incredible love for every person, especially those who disagree with us. Second, Pope Francis reminds us in Laudato Si' that we don't have absolute authority over this world or over our human nature. We have to work in accord with the nature our Creator has given us. Marriage is the intertwining of life and love; the social norms of Marriage exist for the sake of the children. The children will suffer the most from a distorted view of marriage.

We are not alone in this difficulty. God continues to be present in the world with incredible care for ever person. He wants to touch and heal every wound. More deeply, he wants a relationship with each person. The wounds and struggles, even the political struggles, are opportunities for us to turn to Jesus, to let him touch us, and begin a relationship with True Love. Stay in touch with Jesus.

(28 June 2015)

Point to Ponder: Is marriage rooted in the truth of our human nature, or is it created by the laws of the State?

Point to Discuss: Find someone you disagree with about the Supreme Court ruling and have a polite and civil discussion about your perspective and theirs, with a view towards getting closer to the truth of the matter.

Want to go Deeper? Here are three articles I have found helpful on this topic: