He is our Peace (7:50)

Ordinary Time, 16th Sunday. In areas with poor reception, a cellphone restlessly searches for signals. We too are restlessly searching. What are we looking for? Our faith tells us that we were wired for God. We can only find peace through a connection with Him. But God's signals are weak. Today's Gospel teaches us two lessons:

  • Jesus takes the Apostles off to a deserted place so they can get some rest. It is in deserted places away from the bustle and noise of life that we can best hear the voice of the Shepherd. Go where God's signal is stronger.
  • The people come searching for Jesus. We cannot just wait for God to come to us. If we truly want a connection with God, we have to actively search for Him.
This summer when you take a vacation, don't just do all the same activities in a new place. Take time to reconnect with your God by getting away from the distractions and searching for Him. The people go out into the desert and they hear the voice of the Shepherd and they are no longer restless. Why? Because He is our Peace.

(22 July 2012)