Ordinary Time, 16th Sunday. The most amazing part of the Steubenville conference? Confession, Mass, and Adoration. It is where the young people heard the voice of the Shepherd. The bad shepherds follow the example of the Thief: they mislead and scatter. Jesus does the opposite: gathers and teaches, and restores the soul.

The voice of the Thief tells us we need euthanasia and assisted suicide in order to escape from suffering. It tells us that we should have the freedom to decide when our lives end. But the Shepherd shows us that love and community are the answers to the suffering we face. When things are cloudy and dark, where do we run? Run to the Good Shepherd!

(19 July 2015)

Point to Ponder: Where do I run when I feel afraid, alone, or troubled?

Point to Discuss: Talk to a friend who is suffering about how you can accompany them with the love and compassion of Jesus.

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