Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (Year C)

After the Palm Sunday Gospel -- God chooses Jesus to be king. We get to vote whether we will be in or out of his Kingdom. We make our choice today and every day. If we want to choose him as our king then we must serve him. That means laying down, not cloaks or branches, but our lives before Jesus. If we serve with Him, we will reign with Him.

After the Passion Reading -- Don't let Holy Week pass by quickly. What do you have to cancel, turn off, or step away from? What can you do to participate with Jesus in His passion? The legend of the thorn bird reminds us that Jesus is singing his greatest song on the cross. Will you take time to stop and listen? Make this week a Holy Week.

(20 Mar 2016)

Point to Ponder: Mark today's Passion reading in your Bible and reflect on it each day this week: Luke 22:14-23:56

Point to Discuss: We like the idea of Jesus serving us, but are we comfortable with the idea of serving Jesus? Talk with a friend about what it means to say Jesus is King.