Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (Year A) • Palm Sunday: Our peaceful King lays down His life for us. Instead of branches and cloaks we should lay down our lives for Him.

Passion Reading: The church won't let us celebrate the joy of Palm Sunday without the sadness of the Passion reading. Holy Mother Church wants us to see that we cannot separate Jesus the King from Jesus the Crucified. We can only come to the triumph of the Resurrection if we are willing to endure the defeat of the Crucifixion. Everyone wants to celebrate Easter, but how many are willing to celebrate Good Friday?

(9 Apr 2017)

Point to Ponder: How have you experienced the Paschal Mystery (a death that leads to new life) in your own life?

Point to Discuss: Talk to a friend about a particularly special or moving experience of Holy Week in your past.

Point for Action: Make plans to truly participate in the death of Jesus this Holy Week.