Baptism of the Lord (A) The whole Jesus is present under the appearance of bread or wine. Intinction is an option for offering Communion under both species that is more sanitary than drinking from a common cup. We don't 'take' Communion because Jesus gives himself to us. So we open our hands, or our mouth, to receive Him.

Why does Jesus get baptized, if he had no sin? He is baptized for us. He takes our sins into the river like he takes our sins to the cross. His dip in the water makes the waters clean so we can be cleaned by Baptism. Jesus wants to give us all the gifts he has received: life, peace, truth, and the Father's love for him. We should be like sponges that soak in God's love and then squish it out everywhere we go.

(12 Jan 2020)

Going Deeper: What did God give you at Christmas time? Write it down, meditate on it, and soak in God's love for you.

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