Fifth Sunday of Lent (Year A) • Jesus shows up too late. But it's never too late for Jesus. The whole world will know that Jesus is Lord when he returns on the last day and call us each by name, "Tommy, come out!" Christian funerals are all about looking forward to the Resurrection and preparing our loved ones to rise again. This is why we don't scatter the ashes or turn them into jewelry. We bury our loved ones, mark them with a cross, and pray for their resurrection.

We don't have to wait until the end to experience the power of the Resurrection. Show Jesus where you are struggling, roll away the stone, and let Jesus in. The Kingdom that's coming is already here.

(2 Apr 2017)

Point to Ponder: Reflect on how Lent has been going. What has God been showing you or teaching you this Lent?

Point to Discuss: Have you ever seen pictures of the Second Coming of Christ? Talk to a friend about what you know about Jesus' return in glory.