Easter, 2nd Sunday. Tradition is passing on a treasure of wisdom and knowledge to your children and grandchildren. We have allowed schools and professionals to teach our children and prepare them for success, but there are some things that cannot be taught in school: personal character, hunting, homemaking, and faith. Faith is a way of seeing the world and responding to that vision.

Two things get in the way of passing on the Tradition of the faith:

  • We don't think we know enough. You know more about your faith than you think. When you are willing to try and teach it, you discover how much you really know, and you learn it better in the process.
  • We're not sure it's really true. So much has changed, how do we know this old stuff still has value? Thomas doubted too. Then he discovered that Jesus had been with him all along, even when he didn't see Him. Jesus is here with us right now, even if we cannot see Him, offering us Peace.
We've been waiting for someone else to bring the Good News, to make our town Holy and our parish welcoming. God didn't call "someone else"; God called us to spread the Good News like He called the Apostles. Fortunately we don't have to do it alone: The Risen Christ is with us.

(7 Apr 2013)