All we need is Jesus; leave your Baggage in the Tomb (10:10)

Easter, 3rd Sunday.

On our pilgrimage through life, we drag all kinds of baggage around with us. But the physical "stuff" is nothing compared to the spiritual baggage that we carry around with us. The disciples were no different. They had fears, expectations, sins and guilt, that they carried around with them as they followed Jesus. When Jesus rises from the dead they discover that they don't need all their baggage; all they need is Jesus. He conquers sin and death -- our past and our future!

In Acts 3 we discover two things:

  • Jesus is risen from the dead, because He is still working miracles when he cures the cripple.
  • Jesus can heal us too.
All we really need is Jesus; leave your baggage in the tomb.

(22 Apr 2012)