First Communion - Open your Heart to Jesus (11:00)

Easter, Second Sunday

Even though the door is locked, Jesus appears in the middle of the disciples. They are all shocked, then overjoyed. All except Thomas, because Thomas was missing that Sunday. The next week Thomas joins the disciples and he too comes to see and believe in Jesus. Our Lord can go through any locked door except one: the door to our heart. Jesus will only come into our heart if we let Him. Just like Jesus being present in the locked room, so too Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist. Even though we cannot see or taste Him there, we believe. The gift that Jesus brings is Peace. We need peace very badly, so let us welcome Jesus into our hearts.

Dear Jesus, I know you love me because you died for me. I love you too. I believe you are really here in the Eucharist even though I can't see or taste you. I open my heart to you. Come into my heart and live with me forever. Amen.

(15 Apr 2012)