Advent, 1st Sunday (A)

Good things come to those who Wait

I have a hard time waiting for things. When I was little and my family took trips in the car, I used to always ask, “Are we there yet?” At parties I always eat the hors d’ouvers until I am full. Sometimes when we get to the meal, I realize I have forgotten to leave any room. I know I’m not the only one with this problem. Everywhere people are playing Christmas songs, wishing each other a Merry Christmas, and getting stressed out. But it isn’t Christmas yet – Advent has only just begun.

Advent, what’s that?

Advent is a time to wait, prepare, and “stay awake.” It is a season to meditate on our need for God and to prepare our hearts to receive God. There is no better way to do this than by spending time each day in personal prayer. During the course of our Visioning process, when I asked you to think about one core commitment, change, or value that would lead our parish to be a truly vibrant place, the answer that came to my mind was Prayer. If we each committed ourselves to personal prayer every day, our parish and our lives would become more vibrant. The most fundamental part of our commitment to prayer is making the time to pray. It has to be part of your schedule and part of your daily routine, as natural as brushing your teeth or showering. I pray for a little while as soon as I get out of bed. It helps me stay grounded. This Advent, I challenge you to pray more often and more deeply. I have included one of my favorite novenas as a place to get started. How will you prepare for the coming of the Lord? (28 Nov 2010)