Easter, 5th Sunday (B) You are alive because your parents shared their life with you. They kept giving you life by feeding and protecting you. Parents love their children so much they want them to live forever! But no one can give their children eternal life.
Only God, who is fully alive, can give us the gift of eternal life. Through the gift of Baptism, we are born again to a spiritual life. Through the gift of the Eucharist we are fed with the very life of the Eternal God.
Do you only want to receive Communion, or do you want more? Jesus invites us to not only receive him in the Eucharist, but to remain in him. The love that he gives us will grow and bear much fruit.
Going Deeper: What does it mean to remain in Jesus and let him remain in you? You may not be able to physically receive communion but try to enter into spiritual communion with Jesus each day this week.