Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (Year A) • God is a community of love. Jesus reveals the face of God to us. The Spirit reveals the face of God in us. The Spirit gives us Charisms which enable us to be instruments of God's love. The Sign of the Cross is not just what we believe, but what we do.

(11 Jun 2017)

Point to Discuss: Today we covered 5 charisms: Encouragement, Mercy, Hospitality, Helps, and Service. Do you recognize any of those charisms in you? In others that you know?

Point to Ponder: God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life. (John 3:16)

Write your name in the blank:

God so loved ____ that he gave his only Son, so that ____ who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.

Write your name in the blank:

God so loved the world that he gave ____, so that everyone who believes in God might not perish but might have eternal life.