Ordinary Time, 32nd Sunday. The poor widow is not afraid to give away her last piece of bread. Her great sacrifice allows God to give a greater blessing: her food does not run out for a year. Sacrifice acknowledges the Lordship of God over everything, even our last loaf or bread. What we already have is a blessing from God. Surrendering it to Him allows Him to give us greater gifts and blessings.

What is God inviting you to sacrifice? Perhaps it is money, or time, a friendship, a loved one who has died, a certain idea of family size. Sacrifice will be different for each of us, but every Christian must live a life of daily sacrifice. It all culminates in the final sacrifice, when we give back His first and greatest gift: our very life. Then God gives us a blessing so great, no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.

(8 Nov 2015)

Point to Ponder: Name one of the greatest blessings you have received. What did you sacrifice to receive it? Chances are you've forgotten the sacrifice because of the blessing.

Point to Discuss: Discuss with a friend what the word sacrifice means to you.