Solemnity of All Saints. Beloved, we are God's children now. The Book of Revelation gives us a sneak peak into Heaven: God's children worship, praise, and thank him for eternity. The 144,000 are a perfect number (twelve 12,000s) -- God hasn't forgotten his own. They are about to go through an extra trial so they get an extra blessing. God's children are those who listen to their Father and receive the gift of salvation that He wants for everyone. The others ignore God's voice and so they do not receive the gifts he wants to give them.

What does being a Child of God look like now? God's children live the Beatitudes: they are poor in spirit, meek, merciful, clean of heart; they mourn and hunger and thirst for righteousness; they are peacemakers and persecuted for it.

The Beatitudes flow from a clean and pure heart. God is pure love and he calls his Children to the same simple purity. But our hearts are often divided and messy. We love God, but we also love the world and ourselves in selfish ways. Our love is mixed with the sludge of selfishness. Let God pour His love into your heart. Today at Mass, bring your messy heart to Jesus. Put it on the altar, and let Him wash it in His blood.

(1 Nov 2015)

Point to Ponder: If you could get any gift from you Heavenly Father, what would you want most?

Point do Discuss: Talk to a friend about your vision of Heaven. What do they think Heaven will be like?