Solemnity of All Saints • Today we celebrate the saints, the dead who have arrived home in Heaven, especially those not canonized by the Church. They are the people who longed to see the face of God. Do you long for Jesus in the Eucharist, in the Bible, in your prayer life?

Ultimately, our longing for Jesus will only be fulfilled in Heaven. But we can begin to gaze upon the face of God even now. How do we see it? Where do we find it? The beatitudes show us what the face of Jesus looks like. And as we gaze upon his face, these same virtues will be reflected in our lives. We take on the likeness of Christ.

We need to reflect God's light and love in our world. People should see it shining in our homes, our communities, and the voting booths. For those of you voting on November 3rd, do not let the elephants and the donkeys make you forget that you belong to the Lamb.

(1 Nov 2020)

Going Deeper: Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (YouTube)

The Weight of Glory by C.S. Lewis (PDF)

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