Ordinary Time, 18th Sunday (B) A pilgrimage is more than just religious tourism. It is a journey of faith, a journey of the heart, a journey that changes us. Most people don't realize that Mass on Sunday is a religious pilgrimage. You process from your homes to the holy mountain that is your local Catholic parish. Through the Mass, you take a seat in the upper room; you are a guest at the Last Supper.

There are many effects from this pilgrimage. I want to highlight just one: you are not alone. We often feel alone, and we realize that I can't do this alone. The Good News is that you don't have to do it alone. God is with us in the flesh and in the Eucharist. Jesus wants to remain with you; do you remain with him?

There is a second sense in which we are not alone: we don't do it alone because we are all here together. Jesus calls us to be a community of faith. We need to be spiritually fed so that we can feed others. The Eucharist is not magic; it is a constant invitation to come to Jesus and be fed. But you must realize that those who are fed become bread for others.

(1 Aug 2021)

Going Deeper: How can I help spiritually feed the community of my family and the community of my local parish? Pray about one practical step you can take, then work in it this week.

Mass is a pilgrimage to a holy place. Your local Catholic parish is the upper room; you become a guest at the Last Supper. The community is starving. Instead of spiritual cannibalism; turn to Jesus and be fed! Then turn and feed others.

Next in the series >> The Holy Mountain: Tree of Life | #1138

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