Advent, 4th Sunday (B) Fr. Michael's patience helped to heal my wound of abandonment. After I got healing, I was able to be patient with him, too.

We were made by Love and for Love. But we didn't trust God and we started grasping for whatever we could get our hands on. God sends his Son Jesus to heal us at the very root. Jesus helps us to accept God's love for us at the very deepest level. His constant love reveals our wounds. Are you wounded by Rejection, Abandonment, Fear, Shame, Powerlessness, Hopelessness, or Confusion? Which of these wounds resonate with you most strongly?

God has given us the seven sacraments so that we can experience love in the very places we have felt wounded. Christmas is about opening our hearts to accept once again the healing love of Jesus, and then letting his love transform our hearts so we can become sacraments of God's love to others.

(24 Dec 2023)

Going Deeper: If you live in the Wisconsin area, consider attending the Healing the Whole Person Conference in Milwaukee coming up April 11-13. Registration opens January 8.

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