Ordinary Time, 17th Sunday (C)

If we want to get good at something, we should learn from an expert. Jesus is an expert on prayer and today he teaches us to pray. Let's walk through these five petitions of the Our Father.

Father. Abraham speaks to God like a son to his father. We should learn to speak to God like a child speaks to his Daddy. Men, you need to learn to be a Father like God is father. He is just but he is also merciful.

  1. Hallowed be your name. We are familiar with him but we also honor and reverence him so much that his very name is holy.
  2. Your kingdom come. Why do we look for the popular or powerful people and imitate them when the kingdoms of this world are passing away? It starts in our hearts when we submit to God's holy will.
  3. Give us each day our daily bread. We ask God to provide for what will make us truly alive.
  4. And forgive us our sins for we ourselves forgive everyone in debt to us. God wants to repair our relationship with him. We need to help restore relationships with others.
  5. And do not subject us to the final test. Help us succeed not just for a moment but forever.

Jesus is not just concerned about the words that we say but also the attitude of heart. We need to be persistent. When we don't see what we were asking for, we need to trust that God knows what is best for us. You have so for received only a tiny piece of all that God wants to give you. It will all come if we ask, "Father, give us your Holy Spirit."

(24 July 2022)

Going Deeper: After we prayed for "Suitable weather for farmers and gardeners," we got rain and sun at the same time and consequently a beautiful rainbow. How has God answered your prayers in unexpected ways?

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