Easter, Divine Mercy Sunday (A) We think that we will find peace when things change. If only the kids would go back to school, the business reopen, the sickness go away. Jesus appears on Easter Sunday and nothing 'out there' has changed. Yet Jesus says three times, "Peace be with you."

Peace comes from knowing the depth of God's love for us. Thomas had the hardest time believing, but he doesn't give up. In the end he believes more strongly than all the other disciples. Thomas shows us: Find Jesus, and you will find peace. You don't have to go very far to find Jesus. Just hang in there and the Lord will find you. Jesus invites Thomas to put his finger in his wounds. But Jesus wants to heal Thomas' wounds. Will you let Jesus put his finger in your wounds?

The Disciples were locked in the upper room. It wasn't a jail; it was more like a chrysalis. After 50 days they emerge as the Church, full of life and full of the Holy Spirit. Could this time of 'lockdown' be for you a time of transformation? Believe in God's love for you. Let Jesus heal you. Let him speak to your heart and say, "Peace be with you."

(19 Apr 2020)

Going Deeper: Where are you seeing signs of new life? Share those with me and with your friends and family. Learn to sing the Easter Sequence for yourself.

Thank you Sally for your support.