Easter, 3rd "Blizzard" Sunday (Year B) • How do we know for sure that Jesus rose from the dead? We know because eyewitnesses saw the risen Jesus and it changed their lives forever. The risen Jesus is still with us and He continues to change lives today. Where have you seen the Risen Jesus? How has He changed your life? People will believe in the Resurrection when they see the transformation in us.

(15 April 2018)

Going Deeper:

  • "Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." C.S. Lewis from BrainyQuote Do you treat the Christian faith as if it were moderately important?
  • Watch Megyn Kelly's conversation with Nancy Foytik. Has God ever told you it would be OK? What happened?
  • Where did you see the risen Jesus recently?
Thank you to the 7 parishioners that braved the snownami to attend Mass in person --and spent hours getting home again. And thanks to everyone who stayed safely at home and tuned in on Facebook Live because the weekend Masses were canceled.

Nancy Foytik talks to Megan Kelly about her miracle -- from ChurchPop.com